Cambodia Currency

The official currency in Cambodia, the Cambodian Riel, exchange rate is at around 4,000 riel to one USA dollar. But no worry about changing money, the USA Dollar is the un-official second currency. So you do not need to concern about getting Riel when you arrive Cambodia. In fact, the VISA you get on arrival must be paid in USA Dollars.Most large tourist Shops, Mart or Stores quote price in USA Dollars. Small Shops, Stores, Mart may quote in Cambodian Riel but USA Dollars still accepted.
If you pay for quote price of USA Dollars in Cambodian Riels, the exchange rate will be 4,200 Riels for one USA Dollars. Because they do not use American Coins in Cambodia, you will get change for your purchase in Riels instead (0.25 Cents is 1,000 Riels).
At borders towns, Such as Poi Pet, Serei Sorphan, Bonteay Ampil, Anlong Veng, or Pai Len you will often find the currency of neighboring country also in use (Thai Bath). I am sorry about the Cambodia-Vietnam border. I am not sure because I have never been there.
In the countryside of Cambodia is most entirely in Riel, but even so you will still able to use UAS Dollars. You must remember that do not expect anyone to change a 20 USA Dollars note for a 2,000 or 4,000 Riels (0.5 or 1 USA Dollar). So you may break it ready from your accommodation or bank or money exchange store for some more 1 USa and 5 USA Dollars note.
Your USA Dollars will not accept if they are ripped, look old, unclear face, spotted. Old Series or Style of your USA dollars are also reject, so make sure that the UAS Dollars your bring is new enough.

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